As the formidable family of IPOB Worldwide

continues to mourn our braves - the

#Enugu21 who fell in Defense of Freedom, I

bring you the sincerest words of comfort and fortitude from the very depths of my heart.

Irecognize the enormous burden this

struggle has brought on our members and

those that are not members but support

what we do. Our various nuclear families

have also suffered untold. I comfort and

condole you all.

The burden of restoring Biafra is herculean

and it crystallizes in the constant danger of

being killed by wanton acts of Nigerian State terror unleashed by a terrorist Federal

government that has successfully cowed our elected and non-elected leaders.

Since it's now clear that those that call

themselves your leaders are imprisoned by

fear, I say to you - fear not for victory and

succor shall be ours in no distant future and any Biafran blood lost in this epic struggle

will be requited manifold.

In my most private moments - when I reflect on this struggle and it's fallouts- I have often been tempted, like Christ, to ask that this cup be passed from me. I'm sure you all feel thes ame in many fleeting moments of despairt hat is common with the fragile human spirit.

Yet, even as a mere mortal, I dare not relent

because I know for sure that mine is a divine and generational call. I know that I must make this personal sacrifice for the

collective and eternal good of Our people.

ask you all to do the same, even as it is a

great burden. A burden borne in blood, honor and self-denial. Thus, I shall persevere until Biafra isr estored. I ask that you do likewise. For, it is only when we demonstrate to our enemies and friends alike - the sheer will of the humanm ind and the indomitable spirit to freeo urselves that they can take us seriously.

Yes, it's true that we have no guns and no

army but in the minds of our members lies

the greatest weapon of all -the will to be freef rom domination and terror, the will to

succeed, the will to survive, and the will to

build one of the greatest nations that the

world is yet to see. And soon to see.

The Biafra that lies in your spirit, the Biafra

that propels you to agitate - is the greatest

weapon, far greater than any guns, bullets

and battle tanks.